Category Archives: Thera
Thanksgiving 2008
Amani’s Dedication
Tyler’s Live Recording
Amani at 1 mo
September 2008 Hard to believe it’s been a month already, but it has and he is growing fast… or should I say STRONG! He is a strong lil’ dude! And he loves his Pawpaw… of course, what’s not to love Continue reading Amani at 1 mo
Amani Jay Vintes’ Birth
Thera’s Baby Shower
Preggo Thera & Aaron
Bertha’s 60th
Silly with the Girls
Women of Destiny: Balance with our Men
22 April 2006 This month the topic was Balance with our Men – and as always it was good. I was also thrilled because Thera joined me and we had a fun time together – great to have her around Continue reading Women of Destiny: Balance with our Men
Curly-Haired Thera
Family Pictures
Thera & Tyler
Allen & his girls
Graduation Party
May 2005 After Thera’s graduation, we all headed back to Sheldon and Elisa’s new house for some festivities. Elisa called from Baghdad and we passed her around on the phone… I felt a tad guilty getting to see her beautiful Continue reading Graduation Party