Sukkot 2012

30 September – 9 October 2012 My second Sukkot (ie Feast of Tabernacles) – less pictures than last year because it was a beautifully busy week!ย  Thank heavens Totra and Vickie grabbed my camera periodically or there would have been Continue reading Sukkot 2012

Yom Teruah Conference

14-17 September My second Yom Teruah (ie Feast of Trumpets). We did a conference this year and it was wonderful and exhausting all at the same time!ย  The youth did a dance (including some Dyed4you silks and my hubby the Continue reading Yom Teruah Conference

Jimmie Black Worship Weekend

18 February 2012 We were blessed to get a worship weekend with Jimmie Black and oh my did heaven open!ย  It was an amazing weekend ๐Ÿ™‚ These pics are from our Saturday service and include my hubby’s ordination as deacon Continue reading Jimmie Black Worship Weekend

Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) [Day 5]

24 December 2011 So the day after our Shabbat (sabbath) dinner and evening of worship, we had a bit of a Hanukkah extravaganza complete with Allen in costume as a bad guy ๐Ÿ˜‰ I confess I didn’t cut out as Continue reading Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) [Day 5]

Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) [Day 4]

23 December 2011 My first year celebrating Hanukkah (which is not one of the biblically mandated feasts, though it was observed in Yeshua’s time and so we observe it as well since there are many rich lessons and history in Continue reading Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) [Day 4]

Sukkot Day 7

17 October 2011 Day 7 of the Feast of Tabernacles gathering. A quiet morning for us with the Totras, and then my first class on prophetic flags followed by a fun evening of fellowship and worship ending with a sweet Continue reading Sukkot Day 7

Yom Kippur

7 October 2011 Pictures from our service celebrating Yom Kippur, the Feast of Atonement. Jim taught on the prophetic significance of the colors of the veil surrounding the holy of holies and how they relate to us today. You can Continue reading Yom Kippur

Sukkot Day 1

11 October 2011 Day 1 of the Feast of Tabernacles gathering. Lots of set up, culminating in fireworks (yes it’s awesome having a pastor with a pyrotechnic license) and a bonfire – what a fun day! Dave even found his Continue reading Sukkot Day 1