Tag Archives: Guests
Yom Teruah Conference
14-17 September My second Yom Teruah (ie Feast of Trumpets). We did a conference this year and it was wonderful and exhausting all at the same time! The youth did a dance (including some Dyed4you silks and my hubby the Continue reading Yom Teruah Conference
Jimmie Black Worship Weekend
18 February 2012 We were blessed to get a worship weekend with Jimmie Black and oh my did heaven open! It was an amazing weekend 🙂 These pics are from our Saturday service and include my hubby’s ordination as deacon Continue reading Jimmie Black Worship Weekend
Prayer Conference Day 3 – Kirk Bennett
17 July 2010 Final part of the Prayer Conference – I was bouncing back and forth between it and Kids Summer Blast, so I ended up having to miss more than I wanted to, but what I was there for Continue reading Prayer Conference Day 3 – Kirk Bennett
Prayer Conference – Bob Sorge
16 July 2010 Our first Prayer Conference, second night, and we had Bob Sorge teaching and it was wonderful as was the worship beforehand and the ministry after… my buddy Joey even turned up and was blessed 🙂 Meanwhile, Allen Continue reading Prayer Conference – Bob Sorge