Road Trip with Gloria (pt 1)

6-11 September 2017 Gloria invited me to join her for a couple of her Creole bootcamps, which also allowed for a visit to Annapolis – (with a surprise night sightseeing tour of DC when Ann came to get me) yay! (And Continue reading Road Trip with Gloria (pt 1)

Pool at Thera’s

10 July 2017 With Melle in town with Akyah and we all gathered at Chris and Thera’s – all three step kids and all three grandkids as well as my mother-in-law, Mette, and even Elisa was there for a bit 🙂 And Continue reading Pool at Thera’s

Sukkot 2012

30 September – 9 October 2012 My second Sukkot (ie Feast of Tabernacles) – less pictures than last year because it was a beautifully busy week!  Thank heavens Totra and Vickie grabbed my camera periodically or there would have been Continue reading Sukkot 2012

Jimmie Black Worship Weekend

18 February 2012 We were blessed to get a worship weekend with Jimmie Black and oh my did heaven open!  It was an amazing weekend 🙂 These pics are from our Saturday service and include my hubby’s ordination as deacon Continue reading Jimmie Black Worship Weekend

Feast of Trumpets

27 September 2011 Enjoying our first of the fall feasts with our Passion for Truth Fellowship. What a wonderful evening – I personally enjoyed the cute guy playing Abraham/Moses, but I think I’m biased 😉